Order of Diplomacy Pro-Gender Acceptance Mission

Our Background
Metrosexuals' Empire
Bisexuals' Principality
Gay Men's Dukedom
Lesbians' Dominion
Transgenders' Tribe
Women's Queendom
Men's Kingdom
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Pro-Gender Acceptance is one of the 12 Core Values of the Order of Diplomacy that means we do not discriminate individuals' gender preferences. It means that regardless of gender preference of every human being either straight, bisexual, metrosexual, lesbian, gay and transvestite shall be accepted unconditionally and with respect by every person and community,


It also means that there shall be no first sex, second sex, third sex, etc or superior sex or inferior sex and that regardless of gender preference of every person to self, one shall serve and lead the world to be better place of unity and universal home.


Every straight man, woman, metrosexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian and transvestite is very much welcome here and be part of our growing family, the Order of Diplomacy family.


We believe that regardless of our own gender preferences, we can unite as one big happy family to build a better world for humanity.


Our web site is a great way to organize a Central Chapter, keep members informed, and attract a broader audience by introducing ourselves to the community. We'll use this site to inform people about our the Order of Diplomacy, share ideas, and organize events, activities and best missions for all regardless of who we are as long as we are doing everything in the name of Diplomacy, Peace and Love.


Let us also promote friendship through sports like them below. Gender is not a big issue here, but a gateway to promote unity and family relationships.




Amb. John, OD, one of the metrosexual Diplomat missionaries above extends time, talent and treasure in helping the schools in need for better quality education. Be one of us. Be a Diplomat missionary now!


Our European brothers above are always happy and contended of themselves as men of the new era who are non-discriminating to anyone else's gender choice. They are having great bonding in the woods with their brothers. Whew! Isn't it simply amazing?






